Apple has done wonders to empower the consumer to take charge of their own IT consumption, and we believe it is time for business users to have the same capability. Whitehat specializes in making this possible for businesses as described in the diagram below, and it makes no difference if your environment is in-house or cloud-based, physical or virtual. Join us for a session that will focus on the user provisioning/de-provisioning portion of this solution:
Webinar: Monday December 15, 2014 9am CST
This solution is comprised of 2 key components:
End-User Monitoring combined with an Automated Response System. The key to any system is for it to be easy-to-use, fast, and seamless for the users. In business use cases, this means that an effective pro-active monitoring system with the ability to detect problems before the user reports them is essential. Furthermore, there needs to be an automated response system that can correct simple issues automatically.
Automatic Provisioning of Users, Applications and Tasks with Workspace Management. This is comprised of an “IT Store” like the one pictured on the laptop above, combined with an automation engine to apply runbook-like rules to every request. Automatically provision or de-provision a complete user account with all its applications and permissions, request individual applications, even automate non-IT task like requesting travel or a rental car. Then add a complete context-aware workspace management function that can adjust the environment based on the user’s workstation, location, time of day, anything.
Want to know more? Join our webinar on the IT app & services store on Monday, Dec 15th at 9:00AM CST.