Storage virtualization includes virtualizing storage, perceptibly. This doesn't mean that the physical storage is no longer needed; rather, it's a process that simply migrates data to a network, host, or array. Virtualization helps in the centralized management of the files, increased utilization, better visibility, and non-disruptive data migration. Virtualization can also abstract the drive count, allowing for the faster IO by migrating the data and spreading it across the additional drives.
“Virtualization” is a technical term that applies to the servers, desktops and storage. It involves abstraction where different aspects of a system, whether it's a server, desktop, or hard disk, are no longer required when the system has been virtualized. Different layers are added to handle the transactions instead of the previously significant components. Keep reading to learn about the advantages of storage virtualization.
With virtualization, you don’t need to worry about where the data is physically allocated. For the user, simply retrieving a virtually stored file is much like retrieving a file on the local computer. Some technologies optimize the performance by migrating data strategically based upon the utilization. For instance, a frequently used file might be stored on a high performance flash storage system. While rarely used files might be placed on a slower array. The end-user is ignorant of the actual location, however may notice a performance boost while working with the virtualized storage due to this optimization.
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Thin provision is often employed with the storage virtualization. This is where less space is allotted, enabling you to better manage the ability to meet the real utilization necessities rather than providing additional storage that goes unused.
Centralized management makes use of a single central virtualizing controller, which enables you to manage, allocate, and view storage from a single interface. In addition, downtime is minimized, and oftentimes eliminated. In fact, it's possible to migrate the data without downtime using automation and software RAID mirrors.
In general, there are only two types of storage technologies: block-level and file-level.
1. Block-Level: This type of virtualization works before the file system exists. It replaces controllers and takes over at the disk level.There are also three general methods that are used: network-based, host-based, and array-based.